The Instant Ramen Museum – Osaka


While we were in Osaka, we visited The Instant Ramen Museum in Ikeda. This is where the humble packet of instant noodles started. This museum is every 2 minute-noodle fan’s dream, there’s no admission fee and there’s lots to see, do and eat (the eating part costs ¥).



It was inspiring to learn that Momofuku Ando invented instant noodles and later the cup noodles during a post-war food shortage. Momofuku’s intention was to create something that was affordable, accessible, delicious and had a long shelf-life.

DSC02724Momofuku’s shed with all the equipment he used to make his first batches of instant noodles.

DSC02734Chicken Ramen was the first type of instant noodles marketed in 1958!

DSC02715And since the first batch of Chicken Ramen, instant noodles and cup noodles has become a global phenomenon.

DSC02744After walking around the museum, we created our very own cup noodles!

All we had to do was put ¥300 into the vending machine to buy our cup then it was all about drawing our cups to make them look pretty.

DSC02754Guess which one is mine?

DSC02759After designing our cups we went over to fill our cups with noodles, soup base and toppings!


DSC02772Yep, that’s ours 🙂


DSC02784The finished products, our personalised cup noodles!

DSC02807If learning the history and creating your own cup noodles isn’t enough, you could join a class to knead, stretch and make your own chicken ramen!

The Instant Noodle Museum

8-25 Masumicho, Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture 563-0041
+81 72-752-3484


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