Lil Cilantro – Cherrybrook

20130414_144048Lil Cilantro is located at Cherrybrook Village, they describe themselves as authentic Vietnamese with a bit of French flair. Unlike most Vietnamese diners you walk into in Sydney, Lil Cilantro has a classy feel to it with mood-lighting and stylish décor. Continue reading

Cuppa Jo & Cafe Topiary – Epping

photo (2) I caught up with two best friends over lunch after church today, we went to two cafes for all day brekkie and Campos coffee. First stop, Cuppa Jo at the Genesis building in Epping. As the cafe is currently owned by a Korean chef & his wife, the all day breakfast menu incorporated some Korean flavours such as Bulgogi (Korean-style beef) bruchetta & Bulgogi Quesadilla. Continue reading