Pu’er – Waterloo

puer_osmanthusphoenixWith the tea name of Pu’er, this chic Waterloo eatery not only serves Chinese food with a Western flair, it is also a tea house with an extensive tea collection imported from China.

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Tapas Molecular Bar – Tokyo

It’s been two years since I started this blog! Thanks to everyone who has supported Foodsaurus along the way. To mark Foodsaurus’ 2nd Blogversary, I’ve written a photo essay (yes, this post is really long!) about our degustation meal at Tapas Molecular Bar in Tokyo, where Peter and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary in April this year.


Tapas Molecular Bar is located on the 38th floor at the Mandarin Oriental and like the name suggests, it features a bar that exclusively seats eight people at each of their daily two seatings. So we were stoked to get a booking two months before our trip!

As you will see, dining at Tapas Molecular Bar was like sitting in a science lab where we watched mad scientists prepare spectacular food for us to eat… Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading

Momofuku Seiobo- Sydney


About 3 years ago, I was having lunch with my friends Jazz and Grace. At the time Jazz was single and didn’t think she would ever get a date. Grace and I thought this was silly and placed a bet with her, our bet was that if she was still single by the time she turned 26 we would give her $100 each but if she was in a serious relationship by 26 – she would give us each $100. It was a deal. Not long after this bet, she started dating a great guy and they got married last year. To celebrate our win, we decided that we would contribute the amount towards a good meal… and finally earlier this month we went to Momofuku Seiōbo for lunch! Continue reading

Azuma Sydney – High Tea


This week marks the first birthday of Foodsaurus. A big thank you to everyone who has supported this food blog over the past year!

A few weeks ago, I returned to Azuma at Chifley Square where this blog started. Instead of having their degustation menu, my mum, my aunt and I went there for their Tokyo High Tea. With the amount of food that was served, it might as well had been a degustation! Continue reading

Five Spices – Hunters Hill


Eleven of us celebrated Jason’s belated birthday at Five Spices over the weekend. We walked into what looked like a suburban home and were greeted by a friendly waitress who showed us our table in a private dining area.

Five Spices had a cozy homelike ambience, the decor was a mixture of old and new; including stone brick walls, various lighting features, paintings and a fireplace. Continue reading