Méjico – Sydney

I visited Méjico in Sydney at the end of October 2013 with my colleagues to celebrate Yvette having a baby and going away. Since this is a belated blog post, Yvette has since given birth to baby Joel who is super cute! Hope you are enjoying your time off from work 🙂

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Momofuku Seiobo- Sydney


About 3 years ago, I was having lunch with my friends Jazz and Grace. At the time Jazz was single and didn’t think she would ever get a date. Grace and I thought this was silly and placed a bet with her, our bet was that if she was still single by the time she turned 26 we would give her $100 each but if she was in a serious relationship by 26 – she would give us each $100. It was a deal. Not long after this bet, she started dating a great guy and they got married last year. To celebrate our win, we decided that we would contribute the amount towards a good meal… and finally earlier this month we went to Momofuku Seiōbo for lunch! Continue reading

Let’s Do Dessert 2013: Glass Brasserie


Last night I squeezed in a last-minute “Let’s Do Dessert” (formally known as “Sugar Hits”) before the end of October’s Good Food Month.

After going to a farewell dinner for my colleague Yvette (I will blog about Mejico soon!), I went to Glass Brasserie at Hilton Sydney for a late night indulgence with friends who had just finished a wedding rehearsal. Continue reading

Malay-Chinese Takeaway – Sydney CBD


I love a good curry laksa. Vermicelli and or egg noodles in a rich, flavoursome, spicy, coconut milk broth topped with chicken, tofu puffs and bean sprouts and a good dose of sambal paste. Continue reading

Eveleigh Farmers’ Market


My friends and I woke up early to visit Eveleigh Farmers’ Market a couple of Saturdays agoThis market had a really good vibe to it, people were friendly which created a great sense of community.

With over 70 regular stalls, we were able to buy fresh produce to cook later that night as well as eat cooked food and drink a good cup of coffee at the markets. Many stalls give you free samples to try before you buy, so you can get pretty full from walking around! Continue reading

Hungry Mondays


My colleague Sal has been raving about ‘Hungry Mondays’ meals for a few months now, so last Friday we decided to place an order to have a few packs delivered to work on Monday.

Hungry Mondays began last year by chef Omar Andrade who was frustrated that he was only able to make money whilst the restaurant was open, so he came up with the brilliant idea to slow-cook food overnight and sell it to busy people the following day. Continue reading

Food Trucks in Parramatta


Having looked at mouthwatering photos from Sydney Food Trucks for months, I was finally able to taste some food last Thursday.

I was only expecting to see one truck however when Shuvs and I arrived in Parramatta’s Church Street Mall we saw not one but four -imagine our level of excitement as we thought about all the different food we could try! Continue reading

Menya Noodle Bar – Chinatown


A few Saturdays ago, I had lunch at Menya Noodle Bar in Chinatown. Despite the time being close to 3pm when we arrived,  this little shop in Haymarket was still very busy serving out bowls of ramen. Continue reading

Azuma Sydney – High Tea


This week marks the first birthday of Foodsaurus. A big thank you to everyone who has supported this food blog over the past year!

A few weeks ago, I returned to Azuma at Chifley Square where this blog started. Instead of having their degustation menu, my mum, my aunt and I went there for their Tokyo High Tea. With the amount of food that was served, it might as well had been a degustation! Continue reading

Jamie’s Italian – Sydney

IMG_4388After waiting 90 minutes for a table, the five of us were finally seated in a semi-private dining table downstairs with a corner view of the kitchen. Whilst this wasn’t my first time at Jamie’s Italian, it was the first time I had to queue (last time I came for lunch and arrived on the dot when they opened at noon).

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